Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Weekend Round UP

     What a great weekend!  I went into the negatives by SEVEN points, but I tracked everything so we'll call that a win.  Hoping to just make that up with some exercise this week.  I did go for a run yesterday at lunch.  I hit the 5K button and did an interval run.  I've never done that and I have to say I didn't hate every second of it!  My weigh in is tomorrrow so we'll see how I did.  Fingers crossed! 

     Friday night our friends hosted dinner which was fabulous!  Spicy sausage pasta.  If you've never had this, it's a must and so easy. It cooks in one pan, I love that.  After the fact I remembered I wanted to take a picture!  After dinner Hila read Eli and Hazel and book while they drank their milk and then it was off to bed for them.  We then played catch phrase which was a lot of fun.

Is there anything sweeter than this?  I think not!

     Saturday we woke up, had breakfast and cleaned the house.  I love a clean house and I love getting it done early so I have the rest of the weekend to enjoy.  Hazel is scared of the vacuum, so I came around the corner and saw this.  Gotta do what you gotta do!

     Hazel and I left after her morning nap for a playdate with some adorable babies while Jason worked on our kitchen a little.  I brought home sushi for dinner from Kumo which was so good. I was craving some sushi like no other.  We had a relaxing night just hanging out.  I also did something really bad, I bought cookie ice cream sandwiches.  WHY?  Why do that to myself?!  I did track it though. 

     Sunday I put away some laundry and then headed to Costco with my mom.  A good friend/old-coworker who's been living and working in Egypt this past year was in the states visiting so we of course got together along with some other friends.  It was so good to see her and hear all about what she's been doing.  It was really great to see her and everyone!

     I do have my dinners planned out for the week, that's a must from now on if I want to stay on plan.  Last night was leftover chili, tonight we have a back to school night so we'll have to have something quick.  I'm thinking Chicken Tikka.  Tomorrow night I'm making french dip sandwiches.  My favorite!  Thursday night will be leftovers.  Friday night is of course pizza.  I found something at costco called rolls ups which are only 3 points!  I'll make my pizza using one of those.  For lunch all week I'm having tuna salad on a roll up, fruit and a side of pumpkin soup if I'm still hungry.  Yesterday I didn't have the soup because the roll up is huge and really filling.  Kind of nervous for my weigh in tomorrow, I just want to see that scale go down!  Have a great week!    

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